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Strong Woman

Daily affirmation of a strong and ambitious woman.

A woman who cries in the night but smiles in the morning,

A woman who stands up for her family in difficult times,

A woman who goes out empty but comes home with a handful,

A woman who smiles at her enemies,

A woman whose husband can depend on her,

A woman whose children trusts in,

A woman who forgives,

A woman whose husband loves her,

A woman who knows her worth,

A woman who is committed to her tasks,

A woman who smiles at her pain,

A woman of virtue,

A woman who gives hope to the hopeless,

A woman of humility,

A woman who can,

A woman with a big heart,

A woman with a big smile,

A woman with passion,

A woman who loves unconditionally,

I am beautiful and special,
I am committed,
I am loving,
I am thoughtful,

I am strong 
I am bold
I am fulfilled,
I am faithful,
I am hopeful,
I am enough,

I am stunning 
I am special,
I am confident,
I am optimistic,
I have faith,
I am able,

I am gorgeous 
I am above,
I am loved,
I am blessed
I am healed
I am redeemed,

I am smart 
I am a conquerer,
I am motivated,
I am delivered,
I am focused,
I am wise,
I am called,
I am found,
I can do all things.

The more you focus your mind on positive, the more you will rise above the negative.

There are many beautiful, strong woman out there who have been to ashes but are up there enjoying the moment because they have chosen to stay positive, think positive and speak positive.

Take the time to speak these positive affirmative words over your life and in due time your situation will change too.

God bless you,

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