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Power of spoken words-part 2

This week has been challenging and at the same time amazing.

Challenging in a sense that I was so busy with work that I had missed my "me time".  

I've been sleeping late and waking up late, missing out on some very important things in my life.  

My "Me time" starts at 5:00am. Thats when I wake up to spend time in meditation and prayer. This hasn't happen the last week. 

The Amazing part was that every positive thought that crossed my mind, I achieved each one of them in which  I'm grateful and fulfilled.

I'm sure the positive thoughts and Impressions placed in my mind were a divine direction especially when it was to help family and friends who were in need.

I've realised that even though my body was busy with work, my mind was at work too.

From time to time my mind would wander around God's promises and I would affirm them by my mouth confession. I did that continually because I believe that it is by faith that we are put right with God and it is by our confession that we are saved.
(Romans 10:9-10)

There are some lists of scriptures placed on my wall for my daily affirmation. Before I leave the house, I write the scripture down on a piece of paper and carry them with me for meditation.

By the time I return home, the Bible verse has become a part of me. I can remember it word by word.

The word of God is Life and Spirit. (John 6:63) 

Every word of God you speak or confess over your situation by Faith will always work for what it has been sent for. Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh. 
(John 1:1)

Continuous affirmation of God's word will build your Faith and outlook in life. 

Some of the scriptures I've been meditating on are listed below:

Psalms 54:4
But God is my helper, the Lord is my defender.

Psalms 56:8
You know how troubled I am, you have kept a record of my tears. Aren't they listed in your book?

Psalms 77:14
You are the God who works miracles.

Jeremiah 23:23
I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only.

Psalms 94:22
But the Lord has been my stronghold. And my God the rock of my refuge

Daniel 6:27
He saves and rescues, he performs wonders and miracles in heaven and on earth.

Ask God to help you. He is faithful and will always keep his word till end. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. May God bless your journey.


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