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Today, a day to remember

Our hearts are broken into a thousand pieces,

As tears freely fall,
Across the nation,
The nation you made free,

A thousand tribes you brought together,
Many tounges you understood,
With one language of Peace,

Across the mountains, and the rivers,in the jungles and valleys,
A thousand tribes and colors of people,
You made to understand,
The language of Peace,

We Mourn your departure,

It's a sad day,

The day to remember,
Your life and deeds,

Yet we mourn deeply,

Across the ocean,
You made friends
With one language of Peace,

You had enemies,
Across the oceans,
Yet you made friends
With one language of Peace,
Wished you lived longer,
To celebrate the 46th,
Years of Independence,

Yet you left, today
Knowing you've done well,

Our hearts are broken,
We shall mourn,
And talk,
And remember,
The day you decided,
To make us free,

We are free indeed,
Free from rulers
And dominion's,
Free to make our own decisions,
Cos you made us free,
With one language of Peace,

Tomorrow we shall celebrate,
Your life,
Your deeds,
Your passion,
Your hope,
For the future
Of our beautiful country,
Papua New Guinea,

Rest in perfect Peace
Sir Micheal Thomas Somare.
