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40 Positive quotes about life

Being positive is smart and to be smart is to stay positive.

It is not easy to stay positive in a world full of evil and wickedness.
And to find positive people is also very hard. Everyone have their own problems and most times your co-workers or family members would only make matters worse by sharing their own problem to you. And instead of staying motivated, you get depressed.

Everyday life throws a rock at you, to test your ability to withstand. You need inspiration and positive messages during those moments of struggle. 

Inspirational quotes and messages can motivate you and change your perspective  and get you back on track.

Below are some of the personally inspired quotes to help you set your intentions for the week ahead or make it a daily routine to help you focus throughout the day.

Positive Quotes:

▪️Thank you is the magic word.

▪️Now is the time to stop begging God and start thanking God.

▪️God is the best doctor. 

▪️Don't worry, let God worry for you.

▪️You have been wonderfully  and fearfully made.

▪️You can do anything you put your mind to.

▪️Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when you dont know what to say.

▪️God is fighting your battle, you are not alone. 

▪️Wake up in the morning with a good attitude.

▪️Heaven knows you better than Earth. 

▪️Never stop praying, God has good ears. 

▪️You are getting better and better everyday. 

▪️Be a millionaire in your mind.

▪️Focus on improving yourself. 

▪️Don't follow the crowd, follow your dreams. 

▪️If you are not appreciated, move on.

▪️You were born to be a winner.

▪️You are much stronger today than you were yesterday. 

▪️You are the leader and not a follower, the lender and not a borrower.

▪️What you think about, pray about and give thanks about will come about. 

▪️Whatever you do in life, do it as to the Lord and not to men.

▪️Quit worrying, it only leads to more trouble.

▪️Speak health to your body.

▪️Your problems are part of your journey. 

▪️God will never let you down. 

▪️Miracles happen everyday.

▪️Seek truth, not revenge.

▪️More smiles, less wrinkles.

▪️Try to live in peace with everyone. 

▪️You will never be happy bringing misery on other people.

▪️Move on, when you feel you need to move on.

▪️If nothing works for you now, it will surely work for you tomorrow. 

▪️You are what you say you are.

▪️Thanksgiving is a weapon. 

▪️Get up, dress up and leave your comfort zone. 

▪️Sleep like a baby, wake up like a queen. 

▪️Be mindful of your words and deeds. They are all recorded for future use.

▪️Forgive and run.

▪️Be happy and content with what you already have.

▪️Pleasure is temporary, Prayer is permanent. 

Be blessed always


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