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The 4 cheapest superfoods with incredible benefits

These are the 4 cheapest super foods you can find in your nearest supermarket or local market. Even ginger and some green leafy vegetables can be planted in your flower garden or at your backyard. In Papua New Guinea, most families living in the city own stand-alone houses with spacious backyard for gardening. 

These 4 super foods are packed with various vitamins and minerals for optimum health.

📍Green leafy Vegetables:
The dark green leafy vegetables provide a number of health benefits. They are superfoods because of their high content of antioxidants which makes it one of the best cancer preventing foods. They have a high level of Fiber that helps regulate the body's use of sugar, help reduce the risk of developing various conditions including heart diabetes,diverticular disease, constipation and colon cancer. Iron to improve immunity,reduce fatigue and boosts hemoglobin. Magnasium to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supported healthy immune system, keeps the heartbeat steady and helps bone remain strong. Potassium helps maintain normal level of fluid inside our cells, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, maintains healthy nervous system, and my support bone health. Calcium helps muscles to move, strengthens teeth, supports heart health, balances ph level, transports nutrients, helps form bones and teeth and helps maintain weight. 
Eating lots of green leafy vegetables may lower your risk of heart disease and provide important minerals for the optimal health.

Eggs are superfood because of their high level of "good " cholesterol. It's ok to eat eggs daily because of their numerous benefits. They contain the following:

Vitamin A which is important for vision, immune system,reproduction, growth and development. 

Vitamin B which is critical to manufacture red blood cells, breakdown of fats and carbohydrates for energy.  And also works as a moisturizer on the skin and enhances process of skin wounds.

Vitamin B2 which helps the food you eat turn into energy and is importantfor growth and functions of the cells in your body. 

Selenium that protects the body from free radicals and infections. 

Zinc supports the immune system and enables the body to make protein and DNA and contributes to wound healing. 

Folate or folic acid to help tissue grow ,helps form red blood cells and helps vitamin B12 to help body break down and create new proteins. Boiled eggs helps with weight loss, protects eye and increase mental energy. Eggs are filling and help with weight Management. 

Ginger has some powerful medicinal properties. They Help reduce inflamation, ease stomach pains and treat nausea. Ginger may help with weight loss, reduce menstrual pain, improve immunity and skin texture and help reduce the signs of aging. Ginger is loaded with antioxidants and compounds that prevents stress and damage to your body's DNA.

📍Sweet Potatoes:
Sweet potatoes are high in fiber and antioxidants which protects your body from free radicals. They are rich in beta carotene which supports good vision and immune system.They promote healthy gut and brain and  maintain a healthy blood pressure level and support the overall digestive health.

Health is wealth. Eating varieties of healthy foods can enhance health and add years to life. Staying healthy should be a major focus in each family. Monitoring your food intake at your earliest and keeping your family healthy will create a healthy community and country. 

