There's power in being thankful and grateful. There are so many scriptures about Thanksgiving and praise in the bible. Being thankful in all circumstances is God's will for us. "Thank you" are just two words that can change your life forever. "Thank you" is a weapon. It's an expression of ones Faith. In all circumstances give thanks. Whether you go through tough situation or when your heart reaches the moon and back, be thankful. When you're thankful, you show God that you trust him no matter the circumstances. Being thankful frustrates the devil so much. Devil knows that as soon as your thank God, all the closed doors can be open and victory will show up anytime. Thanking God for something you haven't recieved yet shows your confidence and Faith. Most times we beg God for this and that with so much tears and energy. Instead of thanking him, we beg him. Begging God for things he already provided for us shows our lack and distrust. We...
A Diary Of my Thoughts,Inspirations and All Things Beautiful.