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Showing posts with the label Diary

Faith in Trouble

Faith in trouble is the topic I chose for this post. It's not about your faith being in trouble but how you can use your Faith when you are in trouble. Sometimes you wonder why life is not fair to you. You feel  that your friends are doing better than you or that you can never measure up to their expectations.  Maybe your marriage is at the point of breakdown and you don't know how to deal with it. The house you planned to buy five years ago haven't materialised. Your savings box is getting empty due to family obligations. Your health is failing because you have diverted the health funds to pay your mortgage. The promotion you've been dreaming about has been given to a colleague. As a matter of fact, life has its peaks and valleys. Sometimes you feel that you are up on the mountain top and the next you are way down at the valley. You sing praises all day long and the next you are so depressed.  You are not alone. I personally believe that you've got to have faith, w


Dear Readers, Welcome back, Here I am, Writing about my mother who was my great inspiration and role model. And I'm sure your mother is too.  Mothers are our superstars. When they are around, we will never be in need. We are their babies.  From where I come from, both adult and small children are  called "kogoc" (baby). It doesn't matter how old you are. You are still their "kogoc". And as I reflect on my mother's life, I realise that she had been our Teacher, Manager, Doctor, Counselor, Accountant and lawyer. She just knew how to do everything. Complete package as we kids used to say.  So I dedicate this poem to her and to all our dear mothers.  We call her Mama There's Nothing she cannot do, From bedroom to kitchen, From garden to storehouse, From sink to shelves From dryer to lines. We call her Mama She is enough, Her "Bilum" is full, Her wallet is full, In a box,, Behind the jars, Behind the shelves, Under the bed, Stored in secret plac

You are Here

Dear Diary, I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I believe that God has already gone before me. And so I express my gratitude in this simple words: My going out And my coming in, You are there, My resting And my waking You are there, My down And my up You are there, You are here you are there, You are everywhere, Your eyes are set on me, You smile when I am happy, You are sad when I am sad, Your love is eternal Flowing freely, Like the falls of " Butaweng" Never ending, You whisper my name I hear not, Far too many voices Ringing in my ears, You are patient, You are here, You let me live, Just one more day, Enough to know That you are there, You are here You are there You are everywhere. When I look up You are there, When I look down You are there You surround me Like the tallest mountain, "Bangeta" Never ending. You are here, You are there, You are everywhere, End. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I welcome your thoughts and tips for improvement. Ple

Bible over Fear

Psalms 91:3 he will keep you safe from all hidden dangers and from all deadly diseases. The night I started memorizing the whole 91 chapter was in our house in one of the notorious suburbs in my home city. Everyone had left for the village for the long weekend and my girlfriend was asked to stay with me. She didn't turn up. So it was me, alone. You can imagine all the negative vibes that crowded my mind and almost made me numb. I couldn't sleep. Fear was all over me. I played guitar and sang but it was not enough. It was 12 midnight, I couldn't sleep out of fear. Then I turned to my Bible and there it was, Psalms 91. The words popped out to me as if someone was speaking directly to me. I memorized the whole chapter that night. The Lord was there, his angels were there too. I just knew it. Well, Nothing happened that night. I was safe. I slept peacefully. God's promises are to be trusted. He watches over us every day. God bless, Bible reference: Psalms 91 Isaiah 41:10

Tears are my Words

Dear Diary, I wanted you to know that tears are special. So, I am not ashamed to say that when words disappear, tears are my words. Sometimes it's tears of joy, Sometimes it's tears of sadness, Sometimes it's tears of anger, Mostly it's the tears of love, Tears of gratitude, Tears of Thanksgiving, Tears are my words, When words disappear,  I tear up,  Knowing you keep a record  up there, I tear up, Knowing you don't let a tear disappear, I tear up, Knowing you are mindful of every drop, I tear up, You watch and wait, Knowing you never get tired of recording my tears, I tear up, I am not ashamed to say That,  When words disappear, Tears are my words. God bless you. Myrosesdiary.

This is Love

Dear Diary It's windy and cold tonight in the City . The wind can be heard through the mango  trees outside. The sound of passing cars and few youths hanging around the street for a puff and Buai . Sound of laughter can be heard few blocks down the road. Somehow, We had some family members come over for dinner. Our conversation had been centered on the latest new case of Covid_19 in the city. A family member thinks it's time to wear face mask when going out. Another argues that there is actually no COVID19. But we all agree that we should practice social and physical distancing and wash our hands with soap and water. Well, Now that they have left, I turn to my diary to express my heart felt gratitude and love for the one who loves and cares about me. Not just me, but you reading this blog post too. So I pen down that love as a poem. This is Love Every time I think about you, I smile, I can feel your smile too, It shows around the world you made, Through the friends I ha

"My Dear Friend"

Dear Diary, Today was a long day, I had to keep up with my hustling, but my mind didn't keep silent. It kept running over words I uttered over the death of my dear friend Sue. I lost her one dry day. My mind couldn't keep up so I quickly penned out: 'I came home late, Feeling like a drunk Drained energy, Swollen eyes, Hungry, tired, All because of you You left suddenly, Life cut short, One dry morning, Just to make ends meet Fate met you, On a wrong day I remember your openness, Warmth embrace, Caring heart, Yet gone too soon 'I cry out loud" Why so soon? Leaving your kids To fend for themselves, I feel defeated With feeling of sadness All because of you My dear friend, Sue".

Amazing Grace

Tonight I feel so blessed and amazed by how God showed up suddenly to my needs. My first diary is a poem basically expressing my delight and love for my maker.  Amazing Grace is what I said this morning, When I opened my eyes, You were the first I remembered, You have always been my first, Amazingly, you saved me Graciously, you you healed me Wonderfully, you created me Lovingly, you welcomed me My song I offer to you, Before I set my feet on the floor Before I turn the door knob It's you I greet first, Amazing Grace is what is said this morning. As night falls, Before I close my eyes, I remember you first, You have always been my first, Amazingly, you led me Graciously, you guided me Wonderfully directed me, Lovingly forgiven me, My song I offer to you, Before I lay down, Before I turn off the lights, It's you I thank first, Amazing Grace is what I said tonight.

14th July 2020

Dear Readers, Today I set up my blog (this blog) so I can share with you the different topics that inspires me. I am so happy that this blog is up and running. I am so excited about this journey and hope to get more people coming to read my diary everyday. If you have any suggestions, queries, comments or just want to say hi, please email me at or you can follow me on  twitter @tongamp_g Cheers, Roses Diary