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Simple Sago Porridge Recipe

Welcome back!! Its Mothers Day today ( sunday 09th May 2021) and I'm missing my mothers already. Beautiful and kind mamas who've been part of my earthy life. I thank God for them everyday. My mothers taught me how to cook different local dishes on open fire, copper dish, pot, clay pot, bamboo leaves and bamboo. They taught me how to bake, make pizza, cook in ground oven ( mumu) , bake cake and bread over hot stone, roast chicken on hot stone and other kitchen stuff. I'm fully loaded, hahaha!! Well not just my mamas but I have friends who've been sharing their local recipe with me hence this one I'm going to share is from a friend who's also my workmate and she is from an island Province of Papua New Guinea. I call it Sago   Porridge . It's very easy to prepare for breakfast. They make the best porridge. In my case today, it's simply the basics. I bought this Sago from the local market at k5.00 and 2 dry coconuts for k1.00 each. Preparation for 4 peopl

Traditional Cake "Asamp"

Welcome back!! I'd like to share a traditional dish that I learnt to make while on my christmas holiday in the village. This is a very special dish . It is called "Asamp". I'd like to call it traditional cake because of the way its prepared, with layers that looks like the cake. The layers of mixer of kumu( veges) will capture you eyes. Haha!! (picture below) I've been told that only few elderly mothers can make the best asamp. (actually I wasn't told until I finished making this dish haha!! So probably I have made the team, yay!!) When ever there's a traditional marriage ceremony, the bride's people prepare this special dish for the groom's people. The dish is presented to the groom with the new bride. The groom and his people will share the dish. The flavor and the taste will tell whether the union will last or not.( traditional belief ) Preparation: 1️⃣A mumu place (ground oven) is prepared. 2️⃣Stones are heated over the fire. 3️⃣A small siz

Today, a day to remember

Our hearts are broken into a thousand pieces, As tears freely fall, Across the nation, The nation you made free, A thousand tribes you brought together, Many tounges you understood, With one language of Peace, Across the mountains, and the rivers,in the jungles and valleys, A thousand tribes and colors of people, You made to understand, The language of Peace, We Mourn your departure, It's a sad day, The day to remember, Your life and deeds, Yet we mourn deeply, Across the ocean, You made friends With one language of Peace, You had enemies, Across the oceans, Yet you made friends With one language of Peace,    Wished you lived longer, To celebrate the 46th, Years of Independence, Yet you left, today Knowing you've done well, Our hearts are broken, We shall mourn, And talk, And remember, The day you decided, To make us free, We are free indeed, Free from rulers And dominion's, Free to make our own decisions, Cos you made us free, With one language of Peace, Tomorrow we shall

Home made Tomato and Egg Sauce Recipee

During my 2020 christmas holiday in the village, I tried some home made recipes for family consumption and This simple home made tomato and Egg sauce recipee is for four people I made one morning. It is very basic. Ingredients: 🔸️ 1 cup tomato 🔸️ 4 large eggs 🔸️ 4 scones 🔸️ Small bulb ginger 🔸️ pinch of salt 🔸️ 4 biscuits Cooking Time: 10 minutes starting from preparation. It should be a light sauce Steps: 1️⃣Wash the tomatoes. 2️⃣cut them into pieces and pour straight into a medium fry pan. 3️⃣ Break 4 eggs into a bowl and mix well. Add the grated ginger and pinch of salt into the egg mixture. Mix well together. 4️⃣Boil the tomatoes over low heat. ( open fire in my case haha!!) 5️⃣Add the egg mixture and stir as your pour the eggs inside the boiling tomatoes. 6️⃣ Continue stirring until the paste is formed. 7️⃣ Remove the pan from the fire and set the table. 8️⃣ While the sauce is still hot, spread the mixture on the scones, bread or biscuits and have it with Lettuce for breakf

A Broken Soul Healed

She stares out the window Dark clouds, rain drops like snow balls Days gone by all the same, gripped by fear and pain, Her soul cries for mercy, healing is not in sight She wonders "will it end someday ?" No hope in sight, Future unknown Flesh disappearing, bones appearing Eyes blazing hot, she groans in pain, yet tears no more,  years pass by, no hope in sight, People look with amazement, at the sight of her appearance,they whisper, mock and laugh,, friends leave, phone dusty, mobile in silence,no calls,they fear, A new year Dawn's she remembers, "An Angel is watching, she says" Surely there's a future, Faith rising, she can feel it, flooding her soul, like waterfall, igniting the prayer wheel, she prays fervently, trusting, hoping, Her eyes lit up, she smiles at the rain, storm is like a shower, as her prayers thunders through, Defeaning the sounds of whispers, Rebuilding flesh and bones Rekindling the flame of hope, Releasing sweet fragrance, Over the

4 Health Benefits of Cucumber

Cucumbers have been known for their important health benefits for generations. Adding cucumber to your daily diet may lead to many health benefits including weight loss, balanced hydration, healthy hair and skin and digestive regularity. My healthy eating journey started in 2017 after my lifestyle changed. Since then I have been depending on plant based food. I'd say it was quite expensive in the city to be eating certain foods only. But thank God for my very wonderful and supportive family. I have been including cucumber in all my diet and have seen amazing results. Other garden foods were also included in my cucumber diet. I usually have cucumber on an empty stomach in the morning between 6-7am. So before I leave for work I have one medium size cucumber and later have the main breakfast in the office. Detox and cleansing works effectively on an empty stomach. Cucumber is 96 percent water and full of antioxidants. So if you are thinking of losing weight, or having digestive probl

Power of spoken words-part 2

This week has been challenging and at the same time amazing. Challenging in a sense that I was so busy with work that I had missed my " me time".    I've been sleeping late and waking up late, missing out on some very important things in my life.   My "Me time" starts at 5:00am. Thats when I wake up to spend time in meditation and prayer. This hasn't happen the last week.  The Amazing part was that every positive thought that crossed my mind, I achieved each one of them in which  I'm grateful and fulfilled. I'm sure the positive thoughts and Impressions placed in my mind were a divine direction especially when it was to help family and friends who were in need. I've realised that even though my body was busy with work, my mind was at work too. From time to time my mind would wander around God's promises and I would affirm them by my mouth confession. I did that continually because I believe that it is by faith that we are put right with God a

The Tear of the Cloud

Finally the dark cloud has kept its promise, by shedding it's tear on our dry thirsty land. It was hanging up their for a while, Over the city and then clearing up, But could not bear to see plants and residents suffer, Under dust and heat, "I have to shed this tear, Even if it's a single tear, it says" the other clouds gather around, they agree it's the best thing to do, They agee that it's been a long eight months, The last they shed  heavy tears, "It won't be long for another heavy tears, they discuss, for now, you shed this single tear," Over the past week everything turned Brown and dusty. The feet of the passer by looked tired and filthy. Yet not one complained about the heat and dust. COVID19 has made everyone desparate to make ends meet. They forgot the season, Prices of goods and services have increased, the desperation is high, Slowly being felt by the residents of the most beautiful city. Other nations call it corrupt, dirty and filthy

Power of spoken words-part 1

You will have to live with the consequences of everything you say. What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words. Proverbs 18:20-21 The words you speak every seconds of the day are either building you up or breaking you down. You will live with the consequences of every words you speak. Situations,problems and circumstances are bound to change depending on your words. The words you speak will either open doors or close doors to your destiny and healing. Your words construct your life and future. What you say today will carry you on tomorrow. You must understand the it's benefits and consequences. When you speak words of life you find life, when you speak words of success you find success, your life is hidden in your words.What you believe and speak not only affects your life but your entire body and immune system as well. Your words will become a blessing or a curse to you. From experience and my study of God's word, I am convin

Green Bananas and health benefits

After harvesting this banana from the backyard I decided to write down some of its health benefits. Banana tree from the backyard garden. Since I stopped eating both white and brown rice in October 2017, I made garden foods my staple food and bananas turned out to be one of them. Currently I have different species of bananas planted at my backyard garden.  Well these green Bananas are just amazing and full of so many health benefits. So when you next eat green bananas, remember the following health benefits. Listed below are the 3 main benefits noticed in my body. Fibre: Smooth bowel movement.  The reason for this is because greens bananas are full of fibre. They have an excellent source of fibre. Fibre plays an important role in ensuring digestive health as well as heart  health. Fibre adds bulk to the stool and facilitates smooth digestion. Detox and gut health: Bananas have antiviral properties that can promote healthy gut and the fibre to support daily detoxification by sweeping th

Short story - Rudi's Christmas

What appeared to be a quiet morning turned out noisy. Rudi was still in her room when she heard her elder siblings shouting at each other and running around the house. She remembered vividly what the commotion was for, "Food". Her siblings were frying the left over creamed rice from last night's dinner and some fresh eggs from their poultry. It happened the day before too. Norm wasn't happy with the amount of food served on his plate. He argued that as the first son of his family he needed to be served first with a full plate. "Mi Les long kaikai, yupla mas givim mi planti", (I don't want to eat this, I need a full plate) he said". His cousins had promised him that he would have a full plate the next day. However that didn't happen which resulted in screams and shouting that morning. It was Christmas. Rudi's siblings were home for holidays. She had four elder brothers and an elder sister. She was the last born. Their father was a teacher at

Red Pandanus -Marita health benefits and simple Recipe

(Pandanus conoideus) or Marita as it's called in Papua New Guinea, is a red fruit filled with many health benefits. It is delicious and is enjoyed by many families in rural villages. For some, Marita is very special and valuable in occasions like Bride Price and family gatherings. For some it is just a daily diet. When family gather to contribute for a bride price payment, Marita is among the foods contributed, in large quantity. When visitors come to your house, Marita is given as a show of appreciation and friendship. It can be cooked and shared together or as a take home gift. Different provinces have various ways of preparing Marita. Basically it is splitted into half and the inside white flesh is removed and the seeds are boiled in a pot wrapped in breadfruit leaves or bush fern. They can be eaten with sweet potatoes. Some people believe that the taste and flavor depends on the quality of the soil in which it is planted. Below are some of the health benefits of Marita and the

Faith in Trouble

Faith in trouble is the topic I chose for this post. It's not about your faith being in trouble but how you can use your Faith when you are in trouble. Sometimes you wonder why life is not fair to you. You feel  that your friends are doing better than you or that you can never measure up to their expectations.  Maybe your marriage is at the point of breakdown and you don't know how to deal with it. The house you planned to buy five years ago haven't materialised. Your savings box is getting empty due to family obligations. Your health is failing because you have diverted the health funds to pay your mortgage. The promotion you've been dreaming about has been given to a colleague. As a matter of fact, life has its peaks and valleys. Sometimes you feel that you are up on the mountain top and the next you are way down at the valley. You sing praises all day long and the next you are so depressed.  You are not alone. I personally believe that you've got to have faith, w

Strong Woman

Daily affirmation of a strong and ambitious woman. A woman who cries in the night but smiles in the morning, A woman who stands up for her family in difficult times, A woman who goes out empty but comes home with a handful, A woman who smiles at her enemies, A woman whose husband can depend on her, A woman whose children trusts in, A woman who forgives, A woman whose husband loves her, A woman who knows her worth, A woman who is committed to her tasks, A woman who smiles at her pain, A woman of virtue, A woman who gives hope to the hopeless, A woman of humility, A woman who can, A woman with a big heart, A woman with a big smile, A woman with passion, A woman who loves unconditionally, I am beautiful and special, I am committed, I am loving, I am thoughtful, I am strong  I am bold I am fulfilled, I am faithful, I am hopeful, I am enough, I am stunning  I am special, I am confident, I am optimistic, I have faith, I am able, I am gorgeous  I am above, I am loved, I am blessed I am healed

Half way to Mt Wilhelm

It was in August 2004 when we decided to make a casual hike up to the famous Mt Wilhelm  Lakes. A week earlier, our New Zealand pilot asked the four of us if we could join him and his wife on this trip. So we planned to take a hike to the lakes and back on a Saturday. I have heard so much about the mountain and the Lakes when I was a kid so when our pilot suggested this trip, I took the challenge. Six of us made this trip. Myself and two other male colleagues, our pilot and his beautiful American Bible translator wife and a son of our senior English pilot. It was a fine cool Saturday morning. We met at the hanger and the guys prepared the plane and the necessary paper work for the flight. I was in the Highlands province for only a month when I took this life changing trip. I just got transfered from our city office to assist with the office administration at the base. I was very excited with the change of location and wanted to make the most of it. (After that trip I changed my mind an


Dear Readers, Welcome back, Here I am, Writing about my mother who was my great inspiration and role model. And I'm sure your mother is too.  Mothers are our superstars. When they are around, we will never be in need. We are their babies.  From where I come from, both adult and small children are  called "kogoc" (baby). It doesn't matter how old you are. You are still their "kogoc". And as I reflect on my mother's life, I realise that she had been our Teacher, Manager, Doctor, Counselor, Accountant and lawyer. She just knew how to do everything. Complete package as we kids used to say.  So I dedicate this poem to her and to all our dear mothers.  We call her Mama There's Nothing she cannot do, From bedroom to kitchen, From garden to storehouse, From sink to shelves From dryer to lines. We call her Mama She is enough, Her "Bilum" is full, Her wallet is full, In a box,, Behind the jars, Behind the shelves, Under the bed, Stored in secret plac

You are Here

Dear Diary, I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I believe that God has already gone before me. And so I express my gratitude in this simple words: My going out And my coming in, You are there, My resting And my waking You are there, My down And my up You are there, You are here you are there, You are everywhere, Your eyes are set on me, You smile when I am happy, You are sad when I am sad, Your love is eternal Flowing freely, Like the falls of " Butaweng" Never ending, You whisper my name I hear not, Far too many voices Ringing in my ears, You are patient, You are here, You let me live, Just one more day, Enough to know That you are there, You are here You are there You are everywhere. When I look up You are there, When I look down You are there You surround me Like the tallest mountain, "Bangeta" Never ending. You are here, You are there, You are everywhere, End. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I welcome your thoughts and tips for improvement. Ple

Bible over Fear

Psalms 91:3 he will keep you safe from all hidden dangers and from all deadly diseases. The night I started memorizing the whole 91 chapter was in our house in one of the notorious suburbs in my home city. Everyone had left for the village for the long weekend and my girlfriend was asked to stay with me. She didn't turn up. So it was me, alone. You can imagine all the negative vibes that crowded my mind and almost made me numb. I couldn't sleep. Fear was all over me. I played guitar and sang but it was not enough. It was 12 midnight, I couldn't sleep out of fear. Then I turned to my Bible and there it was, Psalms 91. The words popped out to me as if someone was speaking directly to me. I memorized the whole chapter that night. The Lord was there, his angels were there too. I just knew it. Well, Nothing happened that night. I was safe. I slept peacefully. God's promises are to be trusted. He watches over us every day. God bless, Bible reference: Psalms 91 Isaiah 41:10

Tears are my Words

Dear Diary, I wanted you to know that tears are special. So, I am not ashamed to say that when words disappear, tears are my words. Sometimes it's tears of joy, Sometimes it's tears of sadness, Sometimes it's tears of anger, Mostly it's the tears of love, Tears of gratitude, Tears of Thanksgiving, Tears are my words, When words disappear,  I tear up,  Knowing you keep a record  up there, I tear up, Knowing you don't let a tear disappear, I tear up, Knowing you are mindful of every drop, I tear up, You watch and wait, Knowing you never get tired of recording my tears, I tear up, I am not ashamed to say That,  When words disappear, Tears are my words. God bless you. Myrosesdiary.

This is Love

Dear Diary It's windy and cold tonight in the City . The wind can be heard through the mango  trees outside. The sound of passing cars and few youths hanging around the street for a puff and Buai . Sound of laughter can be heard few blocks down the road. Somehow, We had some family members come over for dinner. Our conversation had been centered on the latest new case of Covid_19 in the city. A family member thinks it's time to wear face mask when going out. Another argues that there is actually no COVID19. But we all agree that we should practice social and physical distancing and wash our hands with soap and water. Well, Now that they have left, I turn to my diary to express my heart felt gratitude and love for the one who loves and cares about me. Not just me, but you reading this blog post too. So I pen down that love as a poem. This is Love Every time I think about you, I smile, I can feel your smile too, It shows around the world you made, Through the friends I ha